Abstract: Currently, rural Indonesia is witnessing significant industrial growth. One of them is the Lestari Sugar Factory in the village of Ngrombot, which is located in the Patianrowo district of Nganjuk. The factory is thought to have a positive effect on the economy of the community and can create jobs. The aim of this research is to find out how the existence of sugar factories affects the socio-economic conditions of society. This research uses a qualitative approach and uses case studies as a type of research. The research was conducted in Ngrombot Village, Patianrowo District, Nganjuk District, and the subject was the surrounding community and employees of the company. Data collection methods involve documentation, observations, and interviews. In this study, data analysis includes data minimization, data submission, and conclusion drawings. The results of research on the influence of sugar factories on the socio-economic conditions of the people of Ngrombot village and Patianrowo district of Nganjuk show that the sugar factory has a significant and beneficial impact on the society. This results in a strong family value and improved socio-economic conditions of the family. The existence of industry also led to many business opportunities around the factory.
Keywords: Social, Economic, Sugar industry.
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