Peran Penanggung Jawab Program Sks Dalam Manajemen Kurikulum 2013 Berbasis Sistem Kredit Semester Di Mtsn 3 Nganjuk


  • Ira Nurjayanti STAI An Najah Indonesia Mandiri Sidoarjo


In the education segment, Indonesia continues to strive to develop and improve the curriculum in order to achieve the educational goals of the Gold Generation. The 2013 curriculum is almost evenly applied to all levels of education units in Indonesia, some institutions apply it with certain systems such as the Semester Credit System (SKS). The general characteristic of the 2013 Curriculum is that educational goals focus on learning outcomes, while credits are a tactic to achieve these goals. Unfortunately, behind the luck of the SKS applied at MTsN 3 Nganjuk, there is a role in charge of the SKS Program which has not been much highlighted. This research is entitled "The Role of Person in Charge of the Credit Program in Curriculum Management 2013 Based on Semester Credit System at MTsN 3 Nganjuk". With the aim of the study to describe the role and implications of the role of the Person in Charge of the Credit Program in Curriculum Management 2013 Based on the Semester Credit System at MTsN 3 Nganjuk. This research uses qualitative research methods or field research (field research). Primary data and secondary data are the data sources used. The result of this research is that the person in charge of the SKS Program acts as a planner, organizer, implementer, and supervisor. In addition, the role of the person in charge of the SKS Program has good implications for both Human and Non-Human at MTsN 3 Nganjuk.

Keywords: Role, Curriculum Management, Semester Credit System.


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How to Cite

Ira Nurjayanti. (2024). Peran Penanggung Jawab Program Sks Dalam Manajemen Kurikulum 2013 Berbasis Sistem Kredit Semester Di Mtsn 3 Nganjuk. ICO EDUSHA, 4(1), 162–180. Retrieved from