Millennial Generation, Entrepreneur, DigitalAbstract
Indonesia is currently still facing challenges in developing a digital economy. This requires the participation of the millennial generation in developing the digital economy. The millennial generation is the generation born at the time of the increasingly rapid technological developments in human life, namely between 1977-1994. The millennial generation has an important role in the development of the digital economy. One of the efforts that the millennial generation can take is to develop entrepreneurship based on digital technology. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method with an analytical study approach. The data collection techniques that researchers use include observation and interviews. The results showed that 90% of sales were made through online media and the remaining 10% was door to door to consumers. The strategies used by the two resource persons were creating interesting social media content, giving gifts, doing promotions on certain days and holding giveaways. The challenges faced are the ups and downs of consumers, a decline in demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some mistake from business actors, and errors from suppliers (goods providers).
Keywords: Millennial Generation, Entrepreneur, Digital
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