Ijaroh contract for the world of educationAbstract
Educating the nation is one of the goals of the state according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. However, until the age of 71 years of Indonesian independence, people's lives still do not have access to proper formal education. there are certain groups of children who are most vulnerable to the impact, most of whom come from poor families so they are unable to continue their education to the next level. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency, there was an average increase in the cost of education by 6% in the 2015 to 2017 range, especially at the tertiary level. Because the high cost of education in Indonesia causes children to drop out of school, some of those who are not lucky have to work for earn a living. What will happen if the future of the nation is cut off in the middle of getting an education or even if they never get an education at all?The Indonesian Port Cooperative III comes with various products, one of which is Ijarah multiservice. Multi-service ijarah is a form of service product in the Indonesian Port Cooperative III. This product is to finance various services. One of them is for the cost of education. Multi-service ijarah is a lease transaction with an ijarah contract for services in obtaining benefits for a service where the bank will receive compensation in the form of wages (ujrah) or rent. This contract is applied to Islamic banking.
Keywords: Ijaroh contract for the world of education
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