This study aims to determine and analyze murabahah financing at BMT Amanah Ummah Sukodono. Murabaha financing still dominates the composition of financing in Islamic financial institutions, including BMT. BMT assesses that the murabahah financing process has a small risk so that BMT spends more on this type of financing. The composition of murabahah financing which is still very large in BMT and the existence of muamalah rules which state that "profit is a reward for being prepared to bear losses" poses the risk of murabahah financing, the management process since the prospective member or member of the BMT proposes financing until the repayment of financing installments is interesting to study. This study uses a qualitative approach. Primary data comes from interviews with BMT administrators and managers, participatory observations, and focus group discussions (FGD) as well as documents related to murabahah financing. Secondary data comes from books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and documents or reports on research activities that have been carried out related to financing in the BMT Amanah Ummah. This research concludes that:1) Murabahah Financing is the principle of buying and selling where the selling price consists of the cost price plus the profit value that has been agreed between the two parties.2) Factors that cause financing problems are due to the Customer himself and the BMT Amanah Ummah Sukodono not understanding the character of the members, the poor economic conditions and business development and the BMT Amanah Ummah being less careful and thorough in analyzing the data of prospective customers.3) To deal with problematic financing in murabahah contracts, BMT Amanah Ummah Sukodono uses a family system by approaching problem customers.
Keywords : Murabahah Financing, BMT, Problem financing factor, customer
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Wawancara dengan bu titik, manager BMT Amanah Ummah Kc. Sukodono 2021
Wawancara dengan teller dan admin BMT Amanah Ummah Kc. Sukodono 2021
Wawanvara dengan bapak suliyantoro manager pusat BMT Amanah Ummah Surabaya 2021
Website resmi BMT Amanah Ummah Sukodono